Track N Trail Bear camp encompasses over 115,000 acres of prime bear country, first off known for Giant bears, and secondly, we are ONLY accessable by boat, in which all Bear baits are placed around approximately 138,000 acer lake. We have a new 25x31 steel cabin, with hot showerhouse, generator, etc, most of the modern amenities, but with a VERY remote feel. Fishing can be done through TNT adv, in conjunction with a fishing outfitter on the lake, Tower Lodge, so in the mornings, our hunters usually fish for trophy Pike and walleye, then afternoons until dark will be sitting over baits waiting for mature, monster Northern Saskatchewan Bruins. We run trail cameras on ALL the bait sites, and ONLY hunt the ones with the bigger bears, also with only taking a max of 10 hunters per spring season, we don't over shoot the area, and ONLY harvest the mature bears. TNT adv has about a 15% color phase in the area, but most of the bears will be jet black, with beautiful spring hides, all skinning/ caping/ freezing, or salting is taken Care of by professional experienced guides. Bear hunts take place last 2 weeks of may, into the first 2 weeks of June, first off is because we can't access the lake until ice off which occurs mid may, our baits are working WAY before ice off as we start them in mid winter with the use of snowmobile, so once we do get across the lake, there have been bears on the baits for weeks in advance of ice off.
If you are looking for a VERY remote bear camp, with the option to fish, relax, and not hear a vehicle (except the odd boat), and have a chance of killing a GIANT black bear, Track N Trail is the place. Again with only 10 spots open per year, and alot of repeat clientele, and not Pounding the bears like so many other outfitters do, once you come experience Track N Trail bear camp, you will be treated to a true N Sask adventure.
Exclusive Dore Lake Bear Camp!